Tuesday March 31st 2015 Leese ( Stolzenau) 20 km + some km detour

 image  The river Weser and me river Weser and me  Dutch looking landscape, here along the Weser Dutch looking landscape, here along the Weser Many inscriptions above the entrance Many Christian inscriptions above the entrance  Stable typical for this region Stable typical for this region  Close up, always Christian inscriptions Close up, always Christian inscriptions image  Lunch in a shed in the field. Protection against the storm
Lunch in a stable in the field. Protection against the storm
No perfect isolation at lunch No perfect isolation at lunch   waiting in a conditorei till 5 pm when my Italian guesthouse would open. Proved to be not the case  Storm Storm
It’s Tuesday morning. Where do you find the energy to start over every day again, some ask me. Oh, c’est la vie. Every day that annoying boss, those irritating colleagues, demanding customers. This trip is the same pattern, but with the thought: maybe it will be better tomorrow, though it never will be good (Dutch Farce Majeure TV Show in previous century.). At dawn, still lying under the blankets, I heard the “elements.” Howling wind, rain. Now, at breakfast, nice and sunny. I wait till hardly anybody is around, because here in the breakfast room I have to provide a packed lunch for around 1 pm for Tosca and for me and it should not be obvious. Unfair? Yes a bit. I act according to the “Our Father”: Our Father who art in heaven, hellowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as in heaven. But now it comes: Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others … etc When in need people make missteps. Apparently this prayer appealed to the poor, for centuries. The crowds were poor and of course sometimes stole bread. The ancestors of many white Australians have been previously expelled from England in the 1800s. If those exciled English had been forgiven their flaws, Australians would be much darker now.
Tonight I’ll go to an Italian hotel-restaurant: Luigi Pirandello. Sounds good. I may not arrive before 5 pm, so this morning I had the opportunity to start slowly. No problems with muscles and joints. The feet actually do no hurt any more, only when starting up I still feel the old blisters just a tiny bit. But that’s no problem. On the way I didn’t pass villages, so no coffee, but with some breakfast fruit in the bag and a little water, we’ll endure until tonight.

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