New Iceland horse, Leon, practices everything konik Luka didn’t dare or did not want: crossing bridges , pass throug the water, riding, walking up and down stairs, a steep incline up and down, jumping over a ditch, through bushes walking on stony ground and mostly he waits silent when I’m drinking something somewhere or when I talk to a passerby. Near river Geul I met a couple. Ah, practicing?, they asked Am I supposed to know you, I answer. Yes, a full page photo of you was in the newspaper. Oh yeah. You talk like someone from Maastricht (20 km. away from here), I say. Yes, I was right. From golden ears of corn God created the people of Maastricht, from the remainders the rest of the country ( this rhimes in Dutch). Here we make jokes of people from Maastricht, I said. Soon I told them a few. The Maastricht man said: three old ladies were to boast: the one of 80, I can still get a thread through the eye of a needle without glasses and I hope it stays that way. The one of 85: I can still walk without a walker to church and I hope it stays that way. The one Of 90: I’m still a virgin and I hope it stays that way. One can have fun in Maastricht. I do hear.
Today I walked across the border with Germanyy. I listened to a long story of a German-speaking Belgian from Eupen. Also I made photos of signs which marked the Camino de Santiago. With a dog, a horse, perhaps with a woman / man, people start talking to you everywhere. So that walking is fun. Do you really think that’s fun? Oh yeeee!
I’m a little illiterate concerning the GPS. Anyway I know a little bit how to record a route. Great! But preparing a route on my gps, or walking to a specific objective still is a no no. Positive thinking alone will not help enough. But I’ll learn it.
Horse stood on the dog’s leg. Dog Tosca did not like that too much and continued walking on three legs. In my office such a patient will be anointed, taped, given pills, possibly physical therapy, staying home from work, no sporting for 6 w. After a km. Joep thought this limping is too difficult. The rest of the 10 km he walked on four legs again . See, from animals you can learn a lot.
Sonja’s name is not present very often in these stories. Maybe I walk literally, but also figuratively too hard. Today she accompanied me eight of the 24 km. See picture. We also paused at a café, horse tied to a tree and of course we walked much more quiet than I usually do. Keeping quiet when tied to a tree is important for a horse. I like to have a good meal once in a while, especially after days of dry baguettes with cheese and greasy sausage.
Gotta go to sleep. I can’t think of more details on today, but if I do I ‘ll record them tomorrow. Photos I will publish tomorrow, because downloading takes too much time. Tomorrow I’ll call mr. A in Maastricht again on Mama Alice. He did not answer today. I Ordered business cards for my trip to the front and to the downside Mama Alice. Contacted people in Epen who perhaps can help to manage my site during my absence. etc etc. Sheep Administration is a daily crime. Within a week I want all my sheep to move to Zeeland, where they will stay for a year at shepherdess Hanke. Today I was visited by a babysitter for my six Scottish Highland cattle. He is going to come weekly. The vineyard is outsourced to Wim H., owner of a neighboring vineyard. Still many details to discuss with Wim. And there is all kind of other things to be arranged. Tomorrow Tosca, the new dog, will come. Today we received yet offered a dog. I wished days had 48 hours! But my horse and I already are in shape. Now I still gotta work at that dog Tosca’s shape. She is somewhat heavy and while walking wiggles her ass. Sweet dreams.
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