Tulips-Paulien, rough Rob and Spanish eyes at the barren bar
We got up in our provisionary albergue in Pedrosillo de los Aires. The toiletcover was broken in two parts. A boiler of 100 l. That was o.k. One power plug, a lamp at a wire from the ceiling, spiders all over the place, no heating. The front door scrapes the floor. Eustachius, the guardian, briefly Staki, was fixing a little hook to the wall, with a pencil, a level and a drill, specially for us. Very nice. Long ago he had walked part of the santiago trail; he met an American woman on the way and from then he has been living one half of a year in Spain in his native village, the other half in the U.S. His name is abreviated to Staki, in the U.S sirTaki.
On the road again. Horse Leon has learned that when I say “ho” to stop Tosca, Leon gets a chance to quickly eat some grass. But sometimes I yell “ho” to stop horse Leon and then too Leon thinks that he can eat, though that is not the case. With his heavy head he dives to the grassy sidewalk. Tosca tries to evade Leon’s leggs then flees away, surrounding Leons leggs with Tosca’s rope, leaving me yelling. The rope replaces the leather leece that dog Tosca had, because Tosca cut the leece 5 times with her teeth. Often this strangling of Tosca’s rope and Leon’s leggs happens right at the moment a car is approaching or when Tosca is harrissing cattle. To her that is worth more than the risk of punishment. And I get excited by anger.
We arrived early in Morilles. Leon got fixed in the center of the village to a little bridge, under which grew some grass. See picture. Tosca has to wait in the tiny, narrow concrete court of the Albergue and seems completely comfortable with it. A pity? On the other hand she could run freely all day, through icy cold water, harrassing and chasing cattle, pigs, sheep, donkies and horses. She could roll over in cadavers and add all kind of excrements to her meals. She can flirt with all kind of maxy monsters like the ones you see in Jurassic Park. What dog is so lucky and gets these opportunities? Unbelievable those dogs here. As big as a sheep, always outside, often without any protection against the weather conditions and almost every group of animals is accompanied by some of those grizzly bears. We saw a beautifull blue king fisher bird. We are still walking on a 1000 m. high plateau, 9 degrees C.
A few days ago we left the Extremadura ( 3 times the size of Switzerland). Right now we walk in Castilia y Leon, historically the most prominant part of Spain. But maybe this will change when the three of us have passed it. Already people are imitating our accent. Everywhere we pass “ola” is being changed into ” oladeladio” ( from that Chinese who dropped a radio: ola the radio). Villages here are depopulated. Many houses are for sale, houses are collapsing, no mony for restauration; no traffic. Specially the villages we passed the last few days. This present settlement counts only 80 inhabitants. The last village even less.
Rob and I had expected more Spanish beauties. The most beautifull ones live in Cordoba, Paulien explained. Then what the hell are we here for? Most probably here we find those with the best caracters or the most developed ones. Who cares about development when you are just passing through?
During our lunch the guardia civil entered. I was worried. Maybe Leon had pulled away the supporting pillar of the ancient little bridge. But the policeman only stood very close to Plien. We were longing for a boccadillo, bun with sausage, typical for this region. Bocca means mouth. Dillo probably means sausage? We could remember the word thinking of buck-a-dildo.
The camerera ( maid) came asking what else we needed. Robs and my Spanish isn’t that good. We understood she meant a desert. “Ieske” ( Limburg dialect for icecream) Rob cried. She served Rob a whisky, cause that’s what she understood. Plien had a flan, a kind of pudding shaking a little in the way Rob and I imagined a young girl’s breast. A brief discussion followed wether this could be published. All right.
What shall we do after diner? Today is sunday. Little walk around the church. Let’s hope it’s not going to rain.
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