Sunday July 26th 2015. Dividalstugan 18 km.

Op weg naar de Dividalhut

On the way to Dividalstugan



Tosca weer blij met een nieuwe vondst

Tosca happy with another trophee

Bij sommige, of eigenlijk alle bruggen beetje oppassen, ook vanwege Tosca. Deze hangbruggen schommelen

Some bridges or actually all are a little hazardous, also for Tosca. These pending bridges pendle.

Een rendierpoot. Wordt onder het lopen helemaal afgeknaagd

A rendeer paw. While walking Tosca completely devours it.

Een gronduil volgde ons een poosje en streek neer in een boom

A ground owl followed us a while, before resting in a tree.

Regelmatig skeletten

Skeletons hither and thither.

Daar is de uil weer, of een andere?

There is that owl again, or is it another one?

Een kleine ravijn

A small canyon

Nog eens de canyon

Once more the canyon.

In de Dividalhut kort bezoek van Ola, student godsdienstwetenschappen

In Dividalstugan a short visit of “Ola”, studying religion.


Morgen naar de Daertahut

Tomorrow to Daertastugan (= cabin)

At 9 o’clock Barbara and I left again, in opposite directions. While she was so broken on her route last night, I think the route is not that bad. No wet feet, like her, not deadly tired and not too difficult, along a canyon, over a few bridges that were hazardous for Tosca, because the cross shelves of the bridge lay just far enough apart to fall through with her dog legs. And that river was so wild, you would not get out alive. In case Tosca would fall I would have had to pull her up, hanging on her leash, with my heavy backpack, then it could be dangerous for me too. So stay calm. Immer die Ruhe.

 Because it was chilly, about 12 degrees C., and a little windy while walking there weren’t that many mosquitoes and it was okay if you stopped or sat down. But we did that only once. And that’s why time passed fast. The Dividal valley is pristine. There are bears, lynxes, wolverines, and today, Tosca and I. Two times we saw an owl that followed us for a while. I thought of a snow owl, because it was light gray, but later I heard from an ornithologist (that’s something different than a gynecologist), that it was a ground owl, because the snow owl stays white all year long. A little strange, ground owl in a tree. Should be possible.
Again a lot of swamp, a lot of shuffeling on soaring slopes with masses of big boulders and scrub that make it difficult to walk. Beautiful nature. Because there was no sun I made few pictures. Some filming, but the battery is very low and after only 4 days I’ll have electricity again.
The route was supposed to take 6.5 hours, but after 5.5 hours we were already at the Dividal cabin.
Suddenly Tosca starts barking again. Usually a sign that someone approaches. Indeed. A Norwegian guy from South-Norway, studying religious sciences, arrives at my request, drinking tea. He is walking for 1 week here in Lapponia, sleeping in his tent, vist. We talked a while etc. About the meditation sites that were placed at the Kungsleden with a sign. Seems absurd to me. I think all of Lapponia is one big meditation place. Ola, that was his name, gave me smoked fish. He had already eaten one half. The carcass and the other half fish he still offered me. Greatfully I accepted this tasty variation and addition to my menu. Ola deladio! After an hour, Ola went on. Yet a brief human contact. Always nice.
A little later in the evening a Belgian enters. That’s how Dutch jokes start. But this was real Belgian. He got to a parking lot, 7 km. from here by car and went walking for a few days now. What time do you get up, he asked. Between 7 and 7.30 u., depending on .. Oh. Then I’m going to sleep in the cabin next door, he said. I will not go to bed until 2 o’clock at night, he said. I’m glad I would not be disturbed during my much needed night’s sleep.
Killing mosquito’s. Early to bed.

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