Sunday December 14 th 2014 2014 Cirauqui. About 16 km.

Instead of a day off today, followed by two normal walking days, we have planned three short days. So before 2 pm we allready arrived in Cirauqui. There is not much special to say about the route: a rather easy walk. Along the way we met an ultra runner. Racing about 50 km. per day, and thus doing the road to Santiago. Again we saw a place name in two different languages: Lorka and Lorca. Official name and local dialect. Those seem much alike. So whether we read the official language or the name in local dialect, either way we know where we are! (see picture). According to Jan, pilgrims used to get free medical care in the old days. Occasionally, every now and then, hopefully more then, we see a cross for a deceased pilgrim. See picture. Not the cross of the pilgrim, but A cross. Those probably go straight to heaven. Given my weight loss I had a little snack before getting started. So I eat my belly round when I get the chance, my own portion and Jan’s left overs. Jan says that I have a stomach like a woolen sweater. But Jan also knows how to handle it. See picture.                                                About that regional nationalism Jan told the following anecdote. Catalans are known as super-efficient, like Dutch. A German gets in Catalonia a traffic accident. Finally they find someone with the same rare blood type as him and the German is saved. Back in Germany, he thankfully sends a Mercedes to the Catalan. Later, the German again has an accident in Catalonia. Again he gets the blood of the Catalan. The thankfull German now sends as much as a moped. Still later, the German crashes again and again he gets blood from the Catalan. Now the German brings a flower as thanks. The Catalan asks why only one flower? The German replied: I now have 3/4 Catalan blood! That’s why I, being from Limburg, always take care, not to have an accident in Holland.

The inn Maralotx, which they told us to be open and friendly, was closed. We called the manager. A whole story. He used to live in this village, but was living in Barcelona now. They got divorced. I thought of the following wisdom: if a couple marries, she thinks, I’ll still change him. And he thinks: I hope she never changes. And both prove out to be wrong. After the divorce, he went back to his hometown. Bought and restored an old house and now rents that to pilgrims, black. I mean financially. Nice guy. You have a horse? Yes, with a horse. I told you on the phone, said Jan. Yeah, but I thought it was a joke. Tosca stays in the garage, next to the pool table and the two motors. Jan felt at home immediately at those engines. And now lunch.
A Moroccan guy , with a constant grin on his face, is selling cloths here, in the cafeteria. Until the last guest leave he insists, and successfully. Nice to see. At 3 p.m. everyone goes home and the place was empty except for us and the Moroccan . The ground is not only littered with garbage, as usual, but also with sand and sawdust. Por que? Otherwise it will be too slippery with all the wet shoes (photo). Practical people, those Spaniards.
But back to the route. Right before our final destination we arrive at a so-called Roman Road , which runs along an old Roman? bridge, but the road is half washed away . Leon is never gonna pass that Jan says. See pictures. But I saw Leon think: I’ll show you what I can. Several pictures and a film for cameraman Ruud prove that Leon is a great dude for an Icelander .
While I finish my blog in the cafetaria, where in a corner the barkeeper and his family are having lunch and are chatting , Jan already goes back to the inn to shower , and next to lay down his limbs to rest. Dinner is cooked ( and payed) black by our host.

Language, identity, the regionalism, nationalism, internat ... language, identity, the regionalism, nationalism, internat …: Lorca/Lorka

 Closer look at the Dane  Memorial cross for deceased  Danish pilgrim. Closer look at the Dane

 Check Cirauqui. Welcome by fellow pilgrim  Cirauqui. A Welcome by a fellow pilgrim 
  Beautiful Building Beautiful buildings 

Geef uw mening
