That was a good night’s sleep. When I leave my cabin early morning, to apply a minimum of physical hygiene, a man arrives in a car with a Dutch license plate. What may that be? Positive: Did I win a price? Negative, tax service? “Gooiendaag Harrie. Höbbe veer dich toch gevoonge (we finally found you) , says an unknown guy, over 20 y.o. in real southern Limburg language. Hey, that sounds nice and familiar. Ton, that’s half of the Dutch Groningen couple Eric and Ton, with whom I had been walking together on the killing Nordkallottledens, always told my dog Tosca: ears forward. That looks more beautiful. As a theater man, he obviously had an eye for presentation. I also point my ears forward. “How do you know me? One of them had ever heard of my blog or maybe had even read it. The Croatian guy at the reception of the camping pointed out that there was another Dutchman at the campsite. One who was walking to Cape North with his dog. The Croatian pointed to my cabin and voila, there they were in the early morning. Boys, let’s have a cup of coffee together. Sven, Joris and Rob from Reijmerstok, a village very close to my home, wanted to go to Norwegian Cape North together. They bought a Subaru for 500 E, did some repairs like a new tire and hit the road. Yesterday they had reached their goal. Vivelevink! (well done!)
After I had changed their threesome into a coffee quartet, they continued their journey to the South, but not without first donating to Mama Alice. Again nice.
Some chatting with Paulette and Rudi. They were sitting next to their camper. Next Next I went walking with my monster Tosca. The Croatian, I do not know his name, offered me free use of his mountain bike again. Late last night at the front desk, I spent a while talking with him about the gap in pay between his country and here, the inertness of the population in his home village. People there don’t take initiatives for progress etc. etc. Maybe it’s the old communist influence. Possibly this conversation is debit for his generous bycicle offer.
With my (his) mountain bike, I ride 7 km to Alta center and go for a good swim. Delicious, not feeling your own weight, saunas, outdoor hot tubs, Turkish bath etc.
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