Saturday April 18th 2015. From Flensburg to Kliplev 21 km

Mariënkirche in Flensburg Marienkirche in Flensburg

Leuke, gezellige straatjes Flensburg Nice little streets in Flensburg

Waarom hangen die schoenen boven de straat? Noord-Duitse humor? Why are those shoes hanging over the street? German humour?

De baai van Flensburg, het einde van de Flensburg-fjord Flensburg port

Strand ten noorden van Flensburg op zaterdagochtend Beach at the North side of Flensburg on Saturday morning

Geen kip op het strand Virgin beach?

Denemarken nadert Approaching Denmark

Weer een kras op mijn kerfstok. A la bonheur! From Germany to Denmark

Deens landschap net over de grens Danish countryside right across the border

Open schuilafdak, goed voor middagpauze en tukkie Open shelter. Good for a lunch break and for a nap.

Op deze Gejla-brug zijn ze erg trots Gejla bridge. The Danes are very proud of it

Geile brug? Zo bederven ze pelgrims Geile (Dutch for horny) bridge? They are spoiling pious pilgrims.

Mijn herberg wordt vernoemd. Ik zit op de goede weg. Nog 1 uur My overnight address is mentioned. This is the right way. One more hour to go.

Verdwalen doe je zo niet. Weinig verkeer gelukkig This way one can’t get lost

Reeënpoot? Zo regelt Tosca zelf haar kalkinname Leg of a roe deer. Tosca thus regulates her calcium intake herself

Oprijlaan naar de herberg Driveway to my hostal

Wordt dit mijn warme nestje? Verwarming is er niet. Will this be my warm nest? There is no heating

Today is a relatively short day: 21 km. Clear sky, not too much wind, so that’s promising. There’s music in the air. Indeed, all day a few songs were in my head. The idea that I will live in solitude for two weeks before companians will come (Rudi filming), is not really exciting. But the loneliness was slightly interrupted by a phone call from a friend and a nice text message. Twice I was made happy with a dead sparrow (Dutch saying): an SMS that I was in the Danish network and ditto SMS KPN. Nice though.
Flensburg was beautiful in the sharp morning sun. I walked along the harbor, the bay beach (pictures) and a few kilometers further to the Danish border. Of course it had to be filmed. Exchanging Euro money for Danish kroner, Heading 1 E: 8 NOK. Didn’t see any border official. Good, Tosca. Reminds me of the border joke of years ago: a German / Danish (be careful that I do not discriminate) farmer is at the border with a pig on a leash (long time ago of course). The customs officer asks: do you have anything to declare? Replied the pig, yes, a German / Dane!
Whole stretches I walked across the road on a bike path. But there was little traffic and Tosca could run free pretty much. Where she found another leg, probably a roe deer, see pictures, and after 20 min. walking she had devoured the entire leg. That’s a different story than being enthusiastic about a tiny lacerta vivipara: common lizard. Amphibians and reptiles have  been a hobby ofmine many years ago. As a student, I had no place for Highland cattle and sheep and therefore I “did” it  with that little scum.
Also beautiful walks through the forest, this morning in hilly landscape, this afternoon as flat as an old time Dutch dime.

In a shelter along the Haerweg (in German called Ochsenweg) , I had the lunch that I gathered at my breakfast,  lay down on a bench in the sun and fell asleep, following Tosca’s example, until loud barking of Tosca informed me someone’s coming: a man, early 20 , sat silently across  me. I ask sprechst Du Deutsch, English, Deunish? I always joke, especially against daughter Marieke, who lives in Norway, Scandinavian languages are just like Dutch, but with all eu sounds. An incoherent story that he has been living in the street for years, sometimes sleeping in a tent. Where is that tent? Because he had nothing with him. Did you learn any profession? Leider nicht (unfortunately not), he said in German, with a very heavy, not German accent. Where do you get money? My parents in Germany receive money for their children until the children are 25  . And after your 25th then? Well, I’ll see. In winter sleeping outside he thinks is cool, like an Eskimo, he said. He did not look malnourished and looked nice. Made me think: really crazy? There is no direction in his life, lives from day to day. Or am I disturbed? Probably, but I still control my life reasonably, I think, and he is at the mercy of the whims of chance, like many others in the world. Long live Mama Alice!
At 4.30 pm I got at my bed and breakfast Lindely, an old house / former farmhouse in the middle of the field with a driveway of at least 200 m. The old gentleman received me and Tosca and for 15E can I stay in a room with 8 beds, all for me. The old boss expects another two Dutch men today with a car, but they will be in a different room. Makes me curious. I consider going  with his bike to the Kliplev village, or shall I  just stay “home” and pursue my route through Denmark on the i-pad? The nightlife on Saturday night in the one street of Kliplev will probably not be that impetuous. I think I’ll stay here. For a little extra fee I can share diner with my landlady and lord and that costs the same as delivering a pizza here from the village.
Bon, c’est ca.

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