Fortunately, we awoke this morning. Our host did not yet. Was still sleeping when we left his house. Picking up Leon. Oh Schreck lass nach! Leon gone. No rope there. Stolen? But if stolen they would not have taken that 15 m. filthy, wet, old rope too? I had fixed the rope to a not very big stone. It might have slid off. Shall I get Jan to help searching? This may imply an extra “day off” looking for my pall Leon. Let’s first make a little tour. You never know. I found my beasty a block away with his rope solidly twisted around a tree . Probably he stuck himself to that tree. What a wise animal anyway! Problem solved again within five minutes. Ha, ha. I tried a new packing system for backpacks; a rain cover, which I had brought for the tent, covered the luggage in case it would rain. Yes, it fits well. The cover also had rings at the side for the attachment, but I did not have elastics. How do we get elastics? Thongs of younger girl pilgrims? Firm and elastic. That would also look funny at Leon in the rain. Or is this idea a sign of abstination ( withdrawal)? Jan has been away from home now only a couple days, so it might be. I have been cured after all these weeks. I mean I’ve become immune. Like all problems on this trip those elastics will be solved too. Within no time a solution will be found. First to the bakery. Tosca was tied up outside the store. A few ladies come to the bakery and jump backwards of fright. According to Jan for Tosca, but I think possible for us! Perhaps they had heard about those thongs.
After a fairly short day trip, sometimes with sleeves rolled up in the sun, we arrive at the inn in Obanos. Of course we are the only ones again. Such a luxury. There is everything except towels, shampoo, soap, heating or shelter for the animals. But otherwise everything. When asked the manageress, whether they wanted to earn a few euros for doing our loundry, she agreed. While she stayed in the living room I changed completely in the next room and put the laundry on the table. Works well. Many weeks I had a bottle of shampoo, but that bottle had leaked into my toilet bag. Then showering without shampoo. I Showered with detergent for the dishes. Works well. Down to earth was the principle, wasn’t it?
Jan also got ready, I mean for a shower. He also took off his pilgrims clothing and wanted to bring it into the lounche. He just wanted to take off his shorts and then it happened: the door opened and the hospitalera entered, along with her grandma. Ow! John thought his back would be washed, but the two women did not know how fast they had to get away. Too bad for them, because we thought that an old goat still likes a green leaf.
Meanwhile half the village was barking again. Is that noice Tosca? Qui sas, but it doesn’t matter a bit, because here dogs are constantly barking at anything. If there is no barking, it’s unable for Spaniards to sleep, it seems. We go to the bar, mainly for wifi of course. The bar crowd was of our kind. Horse? Put him in the cemetery! There is a lot of grass. Will nobody take
offense to it then? Well, anyway the bar lady did not and that is the only thing that now counts anyway. O.K. then. We asked a cozy little chubby lady to interview us for our film camera in front of the bar right before sunset. Oh, Ollandès? Long ago, probably very long ago, she once had a Dutch boyfriend. Wauuuw. A very tall guy. Jan, with his withdrawal/abstination symptoms asks, “right before” turnip “, whether that Dutch friend was created locally as large too. Because she reacted with only laughter the answer remains unclear. But according to John she flashed her eyes. We made a movie, but the wind made the camera wobble slightly. Looks like we are drunk. Who cares? Jan says, if not so many people had a fear of flying, many more people would walk along with us and have fun. Yes, one has a fear of flying, another is afraid of mice. Every fool has his own tic. And some fools a lot of flaws!
For Rudy, Bass, Constance and Servé: my planning is as follows: I expect to be in St. Jean Pied de Port the 19 th or 20th of December , “Inch Allah”.
sauerkraut with sausage. Mmmmm
Many pilgrims make crosses everywhere and of all kind of materials
Jan sees eine süsse Hexe! (a sweet witch)
Geef uw mening