Saturday December 13th 2014 Ayegui. 28 km


Het klooster heeft al een richtingsbord geplaatst n d buitentap

The monestary placed a sign to the wine tap

Explanation for those who want to know everything explanation for those who want to know everything  

Jan vult plastic fles met vino tinto

Jan filling a plastic bottle with vino tinto

Op de volgende foto baden we in de wijn. Wordt niet geplubiceerd

On the next picture we are swimming in the wine. Won’t be edited

Jan die kan er wat van!Jan knows how to handle it
In de kantine van het sportcentrum, onze " albergue"In the canteen of the sports center, our “albergue”
Ouwe leim (geleerd v BD), werkend aan blogGranny working at his blog
What a difference it makes with Jan around. Shared joy, double joy. Shared doubt, only half of the doubt . Tosca is released from the wooden door that lay in the field and on which she, tied with her belt, had spent the night , on a litter of nice soft curtains, that I had torn to pieces. She slept in her jacket and under the open sky. Today Tosca ran again like always and she was playful, like Toscas should be. Today no decaying animal paws as booty, except for a small bone , but instead Tosca found a real umbrella (see photo). So please no more accusing me of animal cruelty. She has the best time of her life. Has also becomes pretty slim and heavily muscled. And how about the boss? Still leaner than before, with a lot of tendon. Just a harlequin with strings. But no problem. I’m like an old Harly Davidson and I like it. Leon idem, an indestructible young god in a horse fur.

With Jan, I have a lot to discuss. We’ve been knowing each other very long, but not very well. Work, family, hobbies, opinions, everything passes the revu and in between a good joke again. The 28 km. go by without noticing, it seems. I’m glad that also Jan, just like me, took a wrong turn a couple of times at a the damn Y split. Because the litter for tonight had been arranged, we could advance calm and relaxed. So … a bar at lunchtime. While I was busy with my GPS I heard Jan 5 m. away talking to me, but I didn’t get it. With someone with a different voice. Weird. What did I find out? A guy from Budel ( Nl) was among the other Spaniards at the bar, engaged in a conversation with Jan. Everywhere I meet emigrated Dutch people here. I said, joking, that I was looking for a beautiful, young Hispanic girl to accompany me, mainly to carry my stuff! Some woman with balls. She’ll be old before she reaches Cape North, I was answered. Our countryman at the bar immediately searched the Internet site of my website, showed his pub friends, and asked, where are you on that bull? Pamplona? No, home. I got home a whopper of the Scottish Highlander race with huge horns, which had to go to the butcher next day. I sayd to son Miel: I want to sit on it, now or never, and you make a picture. If I do not survive, this will be my funeral card, and if I do survive it will be too. I jump on the animal, Miel takes the picture. After a second I lie 5m. further on in the grass and question is whether the picture was successful. Because the camera needed half a second, one only saw a picture of a bull with its four legs off the ground. No Harry on its back. For haven’s sake: again! After a second I landed on the ground again, the bull staring at me 6 m. away from me. The picture shows the bull, again with the feet off the ground, and me half a meter above it floating. Somewhere the picture is in my website, probably in “photo’ s”.

Some laughter and chatting and off we went, on the road again. The next bar, it looks like a pub crawl, we are addressed in Dutch by a blonde German from Essen. He had worked in Nijmegen (Nl) and thus spoke understandable Dutch. Oh, how nice, I have a wife from Nijmegen and she learned to talk our regional Limburg language/ dialect, I told him. He had no wife and now worked in a pilgrims’ hostel. So Jan and I have to carefully select the jokes we can and those we can not tell.
Just before arriving in Ayegui we pass a monastery. At the outside of the building there is a wine tap, where every pilgrim can hang under the spiritual booz tap with his mouth. We generously accepted this invitation and that’s why we arrived happily in the “inn”. That turned out to be a small room next to the dressing rooms in a sports hall. At last I could shower with the boys again, like I’m used to at our illustrious sports club “Thirst by Perseverance” DDD74 in Wijlre. Only, because of the language gap I could not get rid of my jokes with those Spaniards,  as I can in my sports club. Leon on a long rope behind the sports hall, where he found plenty of grass. For Tosca there was a real dog kennel under the front stairs at the entrance of the sports center. I asked if I could use paper boxes and rags that I found in the loft of the center, to make a bed for ToscaL: a luxury for a Spanish dog. Planning Sunday’s route, trying to find a place to sleep for tomorrow. The canteen boss offered to cook for us. Boy, are we lucky again. Constance joining us soon will be very nice, watch my words.
At bedtime tomorrow’s route is arranged again. Instead of a day off tomorrow we decide to make three short days . So tomorrow no hurry , some more coffee stops, and now is too early to finish the day. We have a lot of fun (after a few pints and the usual bottle of wine with dinner in Spain). Back too basics ? Along the way a free wine tap ; we have a whole dormitory just for the two of us , with up to 30 beds, at least 12 showers, 10 sinks, a lot of radiators , a pile of blankets , a three courses meal with fries for 9 E. I like that basic lifestyle though. Jan , I believe , likes that too. Let go !


Het klooster heeft al een richtingsbord geplaatst n d buitentap
Jan vult plastic fles met vino tintoJan fills a bottle of vino tinto. The next picture we bathe in the wine. Is not published 

Op de volgende foto baden we in de wijn. Wordt niet geplubiceerd

Uitleg voor degenen die alles willen weten

Jan die kan er wat van!

  In the cafeteria of the sports center, our & quot; albergue & quot; In the cafeteria of the sports center, our” albergue 

Geef uw mening
