Wednesday December 10th 2014 Najera. about 28 km.

Today I want to start with an explanation. There are many people I can not reach or with great difficulty. That is 1) because my cellphone weeks ago, drowned when horse Leon, in the heat of Andalusia, took a bath in a deep pond. Thus, I’ve lost a lot of phone numbers and email addresses. 2) since a few weeks my I-pad doesn’t send emails any more, not even if I want to answer incoming mails, although I do get mails coming in. I could not listen to my voice mail because with the flooded cell phone, also the access PIN was lost. Today I have a new PIN, so you can leave a message at the voicemail again. So for all the ones I have neglected lately, especially my family: I could not help it. Mea culpa.
And then yesterday night I noticed I couldn’t enter my website any more: Hecked! I thought that happens only to state’s secrets, but also to a wanderer / pilgrim? OK. After consulting, while walking, computer genius Thomas, Sebastiaan and Dennis, this problem was solved. The PIN of the voicemail was fine after calls to my dear wife Sonja and secretary Kelly a few times and Kreuze Telecom. And all this bothering while today’s walk was so long already.
Going back to last night. Our hospess was a continuously talking man. Very nice, but a bit smug. He claimed to have an i.q. of nearly 150. He showed a picture of his incredible smart scholar daughter, who could speak 8! languages. I thought, if she speaks English like you, then I can speak 8 languages too. After finishing the smart landlord’s diner he made us follow him into the church, which was built against our albergue. He turns off the lights and lits little candles. We had to stand in a circle, hands around each other’s shoulders, heads together and more of that séance-like thing. Normally I don’t like this hocus pocus, but all right, for the sake of peace I’ll participate. And more of this sceance-like stuff. He wanted all of us to have breakfast together and told without a break about the 42 countries he had visited. Half of his English didn’t catch on me.
The weather was mild: 13 degrees C. On the way of the pilgrim hostel to the meadow of Leon, I met a German man, who had been working for a lady in France. As payment for his efforts there in France, she had given him two donkeys. One was crashed down in the Pyrenees. With the other one he made great excursions, along with his dog. He said the ass could carry all day 80 kg., was satisfied with the food he ate along the road and that the donkey awlays stayed outside in all types of weather. That gave me courage for Leon. I gradually start realizing that the same counts for him. Today we walked again without any problems.
We crossed the river Rioja. Many grapes were not harvested because of bad weather. Because we were thirsty the three of us ate as much of it as we could. Upon arriving in Najera I quickly found a pasture for Leon. Tosca can sleep tonight in a storage corridor on a mat. Now I stop soon because I need time to arrange an accommodation for tomorrow. The day after tomorrow I have to pass the city of Logroño, and cities often are a pain in the a..

Hospess during breakfast Wednesday morning in Grañon Bold head:  Hospess during breakfast Wednesday morning in Grañon 

 German who temporarily lives here and travels around with donkey and dog German who temporarily lives here and travels around with donkey and dog 

 Together with German donkeyman Together with German donkeyman

Dorst lessen aan niet geoogste druivenEating not harvested grapes

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