20 aug. 2014 New pony ? new dog ? New activities Mama Alice

Well, well, what a day today. Yesterday right after finishing working at 6 pm, I immediately left for Overijssel, to go and look for a new horse there. At 9 o’clock in the evening they were going to close the stables. At 8 o’clock I arrived, dog Joep in the rear. 6 Icelanders for sale: mares and geldings, 4-5 years old, ridden, some finished a police training (= anti-terror), not afraid of crossing water and of walking across bridges, often walking outside in the woods, iron hoofshoes at the front legs. It was always the same water they had to go through and the the same little bridge they had to cross. All the Iceland horses had names of Catholic popes and all were easy to handle. Pope Leo, a wild-colored gelding, seemed good to me. They were all very tame, disinterested, a little musty, real riding school horses. On the other hand, my Luka is a real “stallion”: his own will float, biting much, even dog Joep, who in turn bites in Luka’s leg, to which I answer with an angry reprimand, which is of course not a pleasant way of getting along with the animals. After a few glasses of wine and some chatting with the leadership of the ponycamp there, I could spend the night in a log cabin at the equestrian center, with Joep.
This morning, I left to go on to Groningen. There was a shepherd dog for sale. After another 1.5 hour driving there, this was not what I wanted. A nice shepherd dog, but too nervous and too anxious. She didn’t make eye contact, so there we had no click. I went back to Maastricht where I had an appointment at 4 pm with A about sponsorship of Mama Alice. Meanwhile, my phone was empty, recharging failed. The GPS on the phone did not work. That took another 45 min. I took a wrong turn and got lost for a while! I didn’t make it in time at the appointment in Maastricht at 4 p.m. I’d better go and bring the phone to Kreuze Telecom in Beek, which I’ll pass on my way to Maastricht. The cell phone has been sent away for reparation. Now I no longer am accessible. Then, at 5 am, on to Maastricht to still try to meet A. Fortunately that worked out. Years ago A cycled to Santiago and had that related to sponsorship of Mama Alice. Together we decided to go for the sponsorship of Mama Alice, now, but also in the coming years! Plans and arrangements were made.

Still, nice to meet people who are still enthusiastic. After that I hurried to look at a dog at saint Pieters hill in Maastricht : exactly what I was looking for. A 4 years old German Altdeutsche sheepdog, trained , enthusiastic, playful , good eye contact , well trained , so much fitness, accustomed to the cold . I left him alone with my Joep for a moment.
They flew directly to each other’s throats. Sonja will be happy if I’ll come home with these two dogs. But the dog and I had a click right away and moreover that dog is also trained for sheep. The owner wants to make up his mind a few weeks whether he will or will not get rid of him . Now it’s one month before my departure. No dog, no bangs. Finally home at 7:30, I hadn’t had a opportunity t to call Sonja, She turned out to be in the Hague, 2,5 hours driving from home, watching after our grandchild. I had forgotten with all this fuzz. And agreed that the car tonight to the garage in Schinnen need for repair. If I drive there, which takes me home tonight? That settled. But now I have tomorrow, no transportation. Then just walk with dog lame and limping horse, desiring to bring at least.

Why this story? Actually, to indicate that www.ponyanddogtrip.com for Mama Alice is NOT what some imagine: a cute, nice walk with a horse that wears your stuff and a dog as a friend. Not a pleasant stroll along God’s ways, sheltering when it rains, eating when you are hungry, etc. Instead, I’ve trained for years to climb Mont Blanc 3 years ago and to climb the chain of Monte Rosa, next to the Mont Blanc, 2 years ago. Before that I have been practicing running for years, often several times a week 10 km, swimming, 2 km. per session (80 laps in one hour) and now walking, evenings, often 20 or more km, with an easy horse and a cheeky dog. FUN is not the right word. And in between the hustle and bustle of work, family, hobbies, social life etc. Ich can eat like
a hay baler machine and still eat a pack of nuts every night, three plates of spaghetti as it appears on the table and I devore an entire pizza If I get a chance. Joep idem and still he remains skinny. So you see? This is not a vacation for two, but many “stretch” only happy positive. Yummy!

So you see, all preparations take a great effort and a lot of time. Important is that I progress.

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