2 sept. 2014 Sheep, Mama Alice

Today was all about the sheep. That is part of the preparation. Separating adult ewes from the lambs. Selecting adult ewes, which ones will be soldy and which will I keep , separating male from female lambs. What young ewe lambs will I keep to be tested. What male lambs go to the test? The rest of the young males and ewes go away for sale. Each of the 60 animals 60 must be taken into the hand, the earnumbers checked. For each group, a separate box mus be made. That means dragging a lot of fences. Those who have a dirty bumm get their(butt) shaved. Therefore an agregaat has to be towed. To make matters worse friend Hans, who would help me, had to go to Kerkrade, because of burglary into the hause of an aunt, where they Always go and help. The sheep that remain must be transported 2.5 hours to a shepherdess in Zeeland, who will look after my herd during my absence. That all is part of the preparation.

Thursday I’ll meet a few men to promote Mama Alice. Meeting with a PR man and a Mama Alice participant in Epen and I’ll try to get in touch with A this week in Maastricht. I am writing this in case Mama Alice reads this blog. So we are working at it.

Today I had no time to exercise with new horse Leon. I’ll leave that till tomorrow. Otherwise it is too busy. Who knows he will start cradling his hips, like Tosca, the candidate dog.

Meanwhile, I received many reactions to the publication in the newspaper, esp. from friends and acquaintances. More about that later. Now I have to go to my wife and grandchildren, who are awaiting me for diner! Trifles

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