18 sept. 2014 Organizing things

The filmmaker Rudie, who wants to make a film of my journey, booked his trip to Tarifa, my starting point in the south of Spain. He will follow us for a few days. So this film initiative seems to be serious. Today I organized some things about the sponsorship of Mama Alice. On my trip by car with a trailer to Tarifa in Spain I will be accompanied by my two brothers. Sister Francien doesn’t dare to promise yet if she will join us. Francien thinks this is a men’s business. I don’t understand why. Francien now is in Australia, where two of her children live temporarily. Francien, in case you’re reading this, I hope you’ll come with us.
Is such ponyanddogtrip fun? Anyway in the beginning it will be as my two brothers will join me and cineast Rudie will be there too. Brother Jack has lived in Mexico for a few years, so he must be good at speaking Spanish. Ola flakka! This morning I ordered a pilgrim’s passport at Pied a Terre. Otherwise I will not be admitted in the cheap pilgrims’ inns. Problem is that the passport does not imply Tosca the dog and pony Leon. Joseph and Mary, long ago, have made it with a donkey. Then also I should succeed with such a smart horse and beloving dog.
NB today I asked a befriended priest whether Roman catholic clergy praying their daily breviary (see Sept. 15), necessarily had to be walking, like they did at my high school (Bernardinuscollege in Heerlen). But that does not seem to be necessary. Nevertheless, I continue to believe that walking is a good way of thinking or of contemplation (consider).

Horse boots have been ordered for pony Leon, because if he has to walk on gravel he goes too slowly. Really expensive those horse boots. But what can an ordinary person like me do about it? To my patients it seems to be confusing whether I’ll stop or will go on working. I will make an anouncementon in the local papers. Today I visited some severely ill. Well, I keep feeling involved, even if I’m leaving for one year. Letting go is difficult.
Tonight I have to pay the new dog Tosca, in the village of Klimmen and next I’ll go to my sports club of relatively young people of around 60-70 y.o. (is this better Jeff?). Hey, hey! Tomorrow I’ll get a new passport. I also sent emails to Norway, what requirements must meet my dog ​​and pony, to enter the non-EC country. If they will make trouble at the frontier, eg. quarantine, or something, then I replace the 2500 km through Norway to the neighbouring country of Sweden. But the route through Sweden I did not prepare. So that’ll be quite exciting. Meanwhile, new dog Tosca and new horse Leon sleep together in the stable, to let them get used to each other. And there are many morethings that must be done every day, I do not describe here, otherwise it will be too boring. It’s quite something, phew. When I went to the U.S for one year on my 17th, I just got on the boat and I let it all happen, with great success. When I studied idem. But then I had no responsibilities. That’s different now. Whether I like this? Egoist, idiot, you’ll never make it etc.

Just got back from my sports club. In the locker room I noticed that my arm was all hot and swollen : bursa inflammation ( bursitis olecranii). This may cause blood poisoning. It started a while ago, but I hoped it would get better. But it didn’t. I’d better not play volley tonight because catching low balls, the ball will hit the sore spot on my arm again and again. I thought I was tired of walking 37 km. yesterday , but probably it is because of the inflamed arm. It must be better before I leave in about four weeks. So I quit vollying tonight . And tomorrow I want to make another stroll of about 6 to 7 hours in addition to all the other preparations. Oh me, oh my .

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